Ex-METALLICA Bassist JASON NEWSTED Schedules First Art Exhibition

April 12, 2010

Dunlop TV recently conducted an interview with bassist Jason Newsted (METALLICA, VOIVOD, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM) about his bass gear and his interest in painting, having turned out hundreds of large original works of art over the last half a decade. Watch the eight-minute chat below.

Newsted's first exhibition of original art will be held May 6 - June 27, 2010 at Micaƫla Gallery (49 Geary Street, No. 234) in San Francisco, California.

Commented Newsted: "I am possessed by an undercurrent of kinetic energy that I have channeled through pure artistic creation for as long as I can remember, beginning with childhood drawings and songs, followed by teenage rock and roll based ideas, and ultimately, internationally recognized musical recordings and live performances.

"With the title of most decorated heavy metal bass guitarist of all time intact, my purpose has shifted from making crazy and colorful music, to making crazy and colorful paintings.

"I remain as disciplined, self-motivated, and dedicated to my art, as I have been. It is time for me to climb the next mountain, retaining purity by way of genuine expression in creating art as my quest."

Immersed in creativity from an early age, Jason Newsted learned about beauty, life and death from his upbringing on his family's farm in Battlecreek, Michigan. These early surroundings would come to heavily influence his music career and artistic imagery.

Newsted joined METALLICA in 1986, successfully toured the globe as METALLICA's bass guitarist through 2001, and achieved worldwide recognition. He recorded multiple albums that won six Grammy awards, sold 100 million units, and earned his 2009 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

In 2005, Newsted turned his attention to painting, where he found solace and a new manner for expressing his creativity. His experience with painting is a joy to behold, filled with wonderment and the uninhibited freedom of a mature creative soul.

Newsted's paintings express raw visual energy. He uses rich color and an expressive manner to translate his characteristic intensity into hard-hitting paintings.

You can check out some of Newsted's paintings at this location.

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